Ripping Gamecube Games On

I recently decided to experiment with a bit of gaming on linux, and I was wondering if it were possible to rip my gamecube games from their CDs and then use the to play games using dolphin emulator. After a bit of googling I found that there are many people who claim to have done it on Windows. So in the interest of finding out how to rip an .iso file from the disk I simply plopped it into my DVD drive to see what would pop up. When nothing happened I checked in the /media folder and found that nothing had happened, and the disk wouldn't mount.
Any clue what the problem might be or how I might copy my disks to my computer?
I did a bit of research and I believe what I'm doing is legal since I own the disks, and I'm allowed to make backups for my own use.

Rip Gamecube Games On Wii

Country: If you want to rip a Gamecube game from the gamecube, you need the broadband adapter. Then, if you have a xenoGC, you can just run the DOL for the FTP server (NGCDEV Ripper) to run on the gamecube. Or you could get the last ViperGC chip and use the USB adapter. Here is a list of the different methods to rip a Gamecube game from. 5) Playing your new game(s) After you game(s) are burned the only thing left to do is test them out a bit to see if you have any problems. If you experience no errors for and hour or more, you should have a good burn. If your NGC is unable to read the disc, then it was a bad burn and the above burning steps need to be repeated again.