Check out the remastered HD version of Resident Evil. In 1998 a special forces team is sent to investigate some bizarre murders on the outskirts of Raccoon City. Upon arriving they are attacked by a pack of blood-thirsty dogs and are forced to take cover in a nearby mansion. But the scent of death hangs heavy in the air. Here are the top 10 best Resident Evil games to play on PC! Capcom has been a gaming Titan since 1979 and is the genius behind great franchises like Street Fighter, Devil May Cry and, one of my favorite game series, Resident Evil. 1920x1080 - Video Game - Resident Evil. Ada Wong Albert Wesker Barry Burton Billy Coen Chris Redfield Claire Redfield. 1680x1050 - Video Game - Resident Evil. Logo Umbrella Corporation. 1920x1440 - Video Game - Resident Evil. Resident Evil (1996) Resident Evil 2 (1998) Resident Evil 2 - Game.Com (1998) Resident Evil 2 - Tiger 99x (1999) Resident Evil 3: Nemesis (1999) Resident Evil CODE:Veronica (2000). How to Install the Original Resident Evil (PC) on a Modern PC. By TGSA oujisan2236. How to install and Run RE on PC (the original game) Award.
Resident Evil is without a doubt one of the most popular franchises in the gaming world, with over 10 releases since 1996.
The series has had its ups and downs, but at the moment, it’s going strong with the latest titles like Resident Evil 7 and Resident Evil 2 Remake having amassed great reviews.
With a remake of Resident Evil 3 just around the corner (Released on April 3, 2020) and Resident Evil 8 being confirmed under development, it makes sense to give a refresher of all the main titles in this franchise.
So, whether you’re a newcomer or have long forgotten, here are all the 13 main titles in order of release:
Table of Contents
Resident Evil (1996)
The original Resident Evil was released in 1996, initially for PlayStation 1, before being ported to other platforms down the road.
Resident Evil introduces Jill Valentine and Chris Redfield, characters that play significant roles throughout the franchise.
The player gets to pick between the two characters on a journey to investigate the initial T-Virus outbreak in the zombie-infested Racoon City.
In terms of gameplay, Resident Evil set the foundation that the rest of the titles would build upon including a fixed camera perspective, horror elements, puzzles, etc.
The mechanics, of course, change down the road, but most of the franchise’s gameplay elements were initiated here.
Overall, it is a great game that received an excellent rating.
Resident Evil 2 (1998)
Resident Evil 2 is a sequel that was released two years after the original title. The events in the game take place in Racoon City, 2 months after the initial one and this time, you are introduced to two more pivotal characters, Claire Redfield and Leon S. Kennedy.
This sequel takes from the original but improves upon it in almost every aspect. The gameplay mechanics are mostly the same, with an addition of the ‘zapping system’ that enables you to experience the title from the perspective of both characters.
Just like its predecessor, Resident Evil two was well received by the gaming community, primarily because it offered a memorable gaming experience.
It’s the best selling Resident Evil title for one platform and while it initially launched on the PlayStation, it was later ported to Nintendo 64, Sega Dreamcast, Nintendo Gamecube, Playstation 3 and Microsoft Windows.
Resident Evil 3: Nemesis (1999)
Just over a year later, Capcom released the third title of the Resident Evil series, Nemesis. It takes place between the events of the original and second game, featuring Jill Valentine as the protagonist.
The title focuses on escaping Racoon City as the protagonist fights the titular Nemesis creature that’s prevalent throughout the game.
Compared to Resident Evil 1 and 2, this one is more action-oriented, without deviating too much from the core mechanics. Again, RE:3 received critical acclaim and was ported to many other platforms like Windows, Gamecube, PS Vita, Dreamcast, etc.
Resident Evil: Code Veronica (2000)
On February 3rd, 2000 a fourth installment of the franchise was released, this time featuring Chris and Claire Redfield as the playable characters.
The events in RE: Code Veronica transpire in Antarctica and Rockford Island, which have a different vibe compared to Racoon City.
The gameplay felt the same as Nemesis, but from a technical standpoint, it was a major leap forward as it was the first title in the franchise to feature 3D environments rendered in real-time.

This was a key turning point for the series, as it moved more towards action, gradually leaving slow-paced survival horror behind.
RE: Code Veronica first debuted on the Dreamcast, later being released on the PS 2, 3 & 4, Gamecube and Xbox 360.
Resident Evil Zero (2002)
Next in the timeline is Resident Evil Zero, a prequel to the original game that debuted on Nintendo’s Gamecube on November 12, 2002.
RE: Zero introduces the player to two new characters, Billy Coen and Rebecca Chambers, with most of the events transpiring in Racoon City. The plot involves exploring the events that resulted in the T-Virus outbreak in the first Resident Evil game.
In terms of gameplay, the title remained mostly unchanged, although it would be the last to feature the renowned fixed camera perspective.
Re: Zero may not be considered among the best in the franchise, but it still executed the survival horror gameplay mechanics pretty well.
Resident Evil Zero received positive reviews, although a good portion of the game community didn’t like a lack of challenging puzzles and the revised inventory system. After years of a largely similar gameplay system, it was time for Capcom to make a change.
Resident Evil 4 (2005)
After years of development, Capcom surprised the industry with one of the most popular titles in the franchise, Resident Evil 4.
This time, the game features Leon as the protagonist on a mission to rescue the United States president’s daughter being held captive by a cult in a rural village in Spain.
The title is the first to part with the typical RE zombies, replacing the T-Virus with Plaga parasites.
As if that’s not enough, the gameplay is significantly different, featuring a new over the shoulder camera that made the game more immersive.
In this title, you have more control over where you aim your weapon, something that was amiss in the previous titles.
The combat has more depth and you are able to interact with the environment, including jumping over fences, dodging attacks, jumping over fences and through windows, as well as attacking enemies using melee weapons.
Resident Evil 4 gained critical acclaim and it’s usually considered the best title in the franchise ever released.

It’s ideally one of the more influential titles, having influenced numerous third-person horror games like The Last of Us.
RE4 was initially released on the Gamecube and later ported to almost every major platform.
Resident Evil 5 (2009)
The next Resident Evil iteration debuted on March 5th, 2009, for both the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360. The title once again features two characters, Chirs Redfield and Shiva Alomar, and the events transpire in Kijuju, a fictional region in Africa that has been affected by the Plaga parasites introduced in Resident Evil 4.
Gameplay-wise, the title does not differ much from its predecessor, as it features the same over the shoulder camera perspective and contextual controls.
However, it’s more fast-paced compared to other titles in this list and leans more towards action than survival horror.
RE5 was the first to implement a 2-play coop, even though the franchise has experimented with multiple protagonists in the past. However, the game’s AI companion was not that great and necessitated co-op.
Overall, the game had a positive reception, although there were complaints regarding the control scheme. It did not bring much new to the table and wasn’t as influential as its predecessor. It released for the Playstation 4 and Xbox One in 2016, but it still remains to be one of the weakest titles in the franchise.
Resident Evil: Revelations (2012)
This an episodic survival horror title that marks the return of Claire Redfield as the main character and the introduction of Barry Burton as a playable one.
The events in RE Revelations 2 happen between RE 5 and 6 and the story starts when Claire and her co-workers are attacked and taken away to a deserted Island by unknown assailants.
The title was released in 2017 for all major platforms along with the initial Revelations port.
Resident Evil 6 (2012)
Most people agree that Resident Evil 5 wasn’t that great, but the trophy for the weakest title goes to this one. Resident Evil 6 features 4 playable characters across various intertwined storylines.

This may seem like a good idea, as we have seen it well implemented in games like Until Dawn, but in this title, it lacks consistency.
What makes Resident Evil 6 even weaker is the fact that it gravitates towards more action-packed gameplay, with some sequences feeling over the top compared to the other titles.
It got a lot of mixed reviews from critics and players alike, and even though it had its good moments, it fails to live up to the standards the developers set with RE4.
The title was released in October 2012, for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox One, with all the DLC in 2016.
Resident Evil: Revelations 2 (2015)
Released for the handheld console Nintendo 3DS and later for PS 3 & 4, Xbox 360 & One, Windows, and Nintendo switch, RE Revelations is a title that follows Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine as they take on a bioterrorist organization trying to infect the oceans with a virus.
The game emphasizes on puzzles, exploration, evasion, and survival by giving the player limited health, speed, and ammo. The title received positive reviews, although it had some inconsistent gameplay.
Resident Evil 7: Biohazard (2017)
After the underwhelming reaction from fans in the previous two iterations, Capcom knew they had to take a new approach and they certainly did.
Released on January 24th, 2017 for the PS4 and Xbox One was a new Resident Evil title that would once again regain fanbase’s trust in the series.
Well, Resident Evil 7’s premise is quite familiar, with the protagonist Ethan Winters ending up lost in an abandoned plantation in Lousiana occupied by a cannibal family.
Resident Evil Pc 8
The title was a substantial change in the series as it was released in first-person mode. This is a move that helped the franchise switch back to horror, as first-person view tends to be more immersive.
The game is packed with claustrophobic areas, moves at a slower pace than its predecessor and features some really interesting puzzles. The weapons are ideally scarce, making stealth essential, which is always welcomed in a survival-horror game.
Overall, RE7: Biohazard turned out to be excellent, thanks to the direction the developers took and he new game engine. It received critical acclaim, and even though it lacks in some areas, it is an entry in the series that is worth your time.
Resident Evil 2 (Remake) – (2019)
After the success of the remake of original Resident Evil game, Capcom decided to follow the same route with remaking RE2 at the beginning of 2019.
During 2019, RE2 Remake has seen a great success with several awards and around 6 million copies sold in 2019 alone.
The game received a “BEST REMAKE” award from PCGamer, and several other acclaims, making it one of the best titles in the series to play.
Resident Evil 3 (Remake) – (2020)
Capcom is about to release Resident Evil 3, which is a remake of the 1999 version with the same title. And if you expect the same approach – only with better graphics – think again.
There are some distinct differences that hardcore fans are going to notice almost immediately, but it is not necessarily a bad thing.
The heroes in the game are Jill Valentine and Carlos Oliveira, while the main enemy comes in the form of an intelligent bio-weapon, namely Nemesis-T Type.
It is on a mission to destroy Valentine’s entire team, while Valentine has to focus on escaping Raccoon City.
Oliveira, on the other hand, has been appointed by the Umbrella corporation to aid any survivors. Overall, players can strap in for some amazing visual effects and a fast-paced experience as all hell breaks loose.

Capcom has received critical praise for several elements of the game. The graphics alone are stunning from the opening scene to the very end, while the soundtrack quickly drags you deeper into the nightmare that is the T-virus.
Even Jill Valentine has undergone somewhat of a personality change, making it easier for players to relate to her dire situation.
What are the distinct differences players will notice right off the bat? For starters, you are not locked down with tank controls.
And a third-person shooting style has replaced the fixed camera angles. Now you can also entertain a multiplayer mode online using teams of 4.
But through all the changes, not all players will appreciate the short length of the game.
While most critics and players really liked what Capcom did with the remake, there are those that feel the pacing is too quick.
One can argue the pacing adds to the horror element that ultimately keeps you on the edge of your seat.
But with all the great visuals and depth, it is understandable why the length of the game can be disappointing.
Resident Evil Pc Wallpaper
Resident Evil is a franchise that has delivered in many areas and even though it has entries that didn’t meet expectations, it’s one worth playing or even revisiting as we wait for the next iteration.
Resident Evil Pc 6
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Resident Evil: Revelations is a video game from the genre of survival and horror. The developer of this game is Capcom and it was launched for a platform like Nintendo 3DS which was a popular gaming console in the year 2012. It was shot amidst Resident Evil 4 and Resident Evil 5. It is a follow-up of agents of counter terrorism like Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine while they are making attempts for stopping an organization working with bioterrorism from contaminating the oceans of Earth with a specific virus.
The game also consists of a single-player mode in which the player is supposed to finish a sequence of different episodes that include solving different puzzles and winning over enemies. The multiplayer mode of this game is the one in which the players can try fighting their way amidst the changed single-player situations.
What is the game about?
Revelations focus on evasion, exploration, and survival over the high-speed battle by offering the player restricted ammunition, speed of movement, and health. It was developed for bringing back the horror and content from the root of the series whereas parallel making attempts for modernizing the gameplay. It was the very first game that supported the Nintendo 3DS 3D potential but the features updated the graphics and other slight changes.
Over different platforms, the HD edition sold over two million copies over the world but got lesser critical appreciation than the 3DS version of Nintendo. A follow-up, Resident Evil: Revelations was launched in the year 2015. It was also the foremost game that supported the Circle Pad Pro of Nintendo apart from Japan. The game was a basic success on the commercial level and got appraisal from the publishers of the video game. Different critics appreciate its sound effects, horror theme, graphics but it also received criticism because of the fluctuating gameplay amidst the scenarios.
ResidentEvil: Revelations is a video game from the survival-based horror genre in which the player has control of all on-screen characters from the perspective of the third person for interacting with the enemies and the environment. In the single-player campaign mode of the game, the player is supposed to finish an entire sequence of scenarios accumulated together into different episodes.
The majority of the situations show the player how he must control the Valentine outside his country in a ghost ship seen in the Mediterranean Sea. However, some of them also need to play as different characters in varied settings of the game. For finishing a scenario and moving on to the next, the player should finish some specific objectives like puzzle solving, winning over the boss, accumulating keys that can open the doors to newer areas, and attaining a particular point on the game, unlike others.
Main features of the game
Though some features of this game remain common to the earlier titles of this game series but some added features can be seen exclusively in this game. So, here are the main features of this game:
- Raid Mode
Unlike the earlier titles of this game, this game features a Raid mode. This mode can exclusively be found in this. The Raid mode allows the players to keep raiding the buildings of their enemies throughout the game. This mode can be selected from the menu itself.
- Great controls
The control options that you get in this game are worth a mention in the features. The controls are so great that they don’t let you face any lag in the game. The game works as seamlessly as you can think of it to be. The controls work very effectively and effortlessly.
- Handheld and docked mode
Though the game looks over amazing in the handheld mode and docked mode, these two modes also make the game loved by the players. You can unlock both modes as you keep advancing through the game.
- Classic survival horror
The game features elements of classic survival horror. These elements make the game look like a real-life horror game. It looks no less than a classic survival horror game. At every level of the game, one can find the elements of classic survival horror like the background, soundtrack, graphics, etc.
Hence, Resident Evil: Revelations is an outstanding game to play. Particularly, if you are a lover of horror video games, this game is truly going to capture your mind. You can easily download and install this game on your device and start playing it. It can be played for free. You can play this game on any device you want.
Resident Evil Revelations PC Game Download
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How To Download Resident Evil Revelations PC Instructions
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Resident Evil Revelations – Minimum System Requirement
- OS: Win Xp 32
- Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo E4600 2.4GHz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 4400+
- Graphics: AMD Radeon HD 3850 or NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTS
- System Memory: 2 GB RAM
- Storage: 8 GB Hard drive space
- DirectX 9 Compatible Graphics Card
Resident Evil Revelations – Recommended System Requirement
- OS: Win 7 64
- Processor: Intel Core 2 Quad Q8400 2.66GHz / AMD Phenom II X4 805
- Graphics: AMD Radeon HD 6950 or NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560
- System Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Storage: 8 GB Hard drive space
What is the category to which this game belongs?
This game belongs to the category of survival horror video games. It features elements of classic survival horror.
Can you play it offline?
This is an online game and you cannot play it offline.
How is the gameplay of this game?
The gameplay of this game is really interesting. It is amazing when compared to other titles of this game series.
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