Google Photos Photos Library

There are many cloud storage services available today, and Apple and Google offer two of the more popular options. Switching can feel like a daunting task, but Apple makes it easy to move your iCloud library to Google Photos. Apple’s transfer service can bring a copy of your iCloud photos and videos over to your Google Photos.

Manage photos, videos, and albums in Google Photos



Service endpoint

A service endpoint is a base URL that specifies the network address of an API service. One service might have multiple service endpoints. This service has the following service endpoint and all URIs below are relative to this service endpoint:

  • Photos and videos in the album will still be in your Google Photos library unless you delete them from the main “Photos” section. What you can do if you didn't create the album Only the person who created the album will be able to make these changes to it.
  • Google Photos new Share Your Library feature is currently being rolled out to Google Photos on the Web and mobile devices. Share Your Library is a new feature of Google Photos that Google revealed earlier this year during the Google I/O conference.
  • It allows you to reduce the clutter in your main Google Photos library: send a photo to the Archive and it will disappear from the main thumbnail grid – but it will still be accessible.

REST Resource: v1.albums

addEnrichmentPOST /v1/albums/{albumId}:addEnrichment
Adds an enrichment at a specified position in a defined album.
batchAddMediaItemsPOST /v1/albums/{albumId}:batchAddMediaItems
Adds one or more media items in a user's Google Photos library to an album.
batchRemoveMediaItemsPOST /v1/albums/{albumId}:batchRemoveMediaItems
Removes one or more media items from a specified album.
createPOST /v1/albums
Creates an album in a user's Google Photos library.
getGET /v1/albums/{albumId}
Returns the album based on the specified albumId.
listGET /v1/albums
Lists all albums shown to a user in the Albums tab of the Google Photos app.
patchPATCH /v1/albums/{}
Update the album with the specified id.
sharePOST /v1/albums/{albumId}:share
Marks an album as shared and accessible to other users.
unsharePOST /v1/albums/{albumId}:unshare
Marks a previously shared album as private.

Google Photos Photos Library Download

REST Resource: v1.mediaItems

Google Photos Backup Mac Photos Library

batchCreatePOST /v1/mediaItems:batchCreate
Creates one or more media items in a user's Google Photos library.
batchGetGET /v1/mediaItems:batchGet
Returns the list of media items for the specified media item identifiers.
getGET /v1/mediaItems/{mediaItemId}
Returns the media item for the specified media item identifier.
listGET /v1/mediaItems
List all media items from a user's Google Photos library.
patchPATCH /v1/mediaItems/{}
Update the media item with the specified id.
searchPOST /v1/mediaItems:search
Searches for media items in a user's Google Photos library.

REST Resource: v1.sharedAlbums

Google Photos Backup Apple Photos Library Metadata


Google Photos Icloud Photo Library

getGET /v1/sharedAlbums/{shareToken}
Returns the album based on the specified shareToken.
joinPOST /v1/sharedAlbums:join
Joins a shared album on behalf of the Google Photos user.
leavePOST /v1/sharedAlbums:leave
Leaves a previously-joined shared album on behalf of the Google Photos user.
listGET /v1/sharedAlbums
Lists all shared albums available in the Sharing tab of the user's Google Photos app.