Yoshis Island Ds Sprites

T. Yoshisaur Munchakoopas, hailing from the Super Mario series, brings his unique gobble and throw gameplay style from Yoshi's Island into Sonic Robo Blast 2!

Shy Guy is one of Yoshi's Island's most generic and strange enemies. There are different types of Shy Guys. Some are colored differently, while others have a physical difference, such as being larger than others. They hide their faces within a white mask. They can be swallowed and turned into an egg. An actual Shy Guy's face is shown to be black with yellow eyes. This was first discovered in. Yoshi's Island DS, later released in Japan as Yoshi Island DS (ヨッシー アイランド DS, Yosshī Airando Dī Esu), is a platformingvideo game developed by Artoon for the Nintendo DS. Published by Nintendo, it was released in North America and Australasia in November 2006, in Europe in December 2006, and in Japan in March 2007.

Nintendo DS

Press and hold the jump button when in the air to do a flutter jump. Yoshi will slowly rise into the air, giving you extra height. You can even perform this move multiple times, but be warned, you'll eventually start losing altitude!

Press jump and custom 1 at the same time while in the air to plummet yourself straight downwards, destroying any enemies, floors, or spikes in your path. It can also be used to gain extra height from springs!
Press spin to stick out Yoshi's tongue. It'll grab whatever enemy it touches, pulling it into his mouth. From there you can press Spin to spit the enemy back out again as a projectile. You can gobble up your friends too!

EGG THROWYoshis Island Ds Sprites
YoshiIf you press custom 1 while an enemy is in your mouth instead of spin, you'll turn it into an egg! You can have up to 8 of these eggs in your possession. Once you have at least one, press custom 1 to aim at any nearby enemy or monitor, and again to throw! If you want to stop aiming, press spin.
Just like in Super Mario World, Yoshi can jump onto just about any hazard and not get hurt! Be careful though, just because his feet are protected doesn't mean the rest of him is!

As a part of his Super transformation Yoshi will sprout wings on his back. Press and hold jump to take to the skies! There's no limitation to this ability aside from the regular ring timer, so you can fly to your heart's content!
Yoshi's sprites in this mod are primary based off of sprites found in Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam and Superstar Saga + Bowser's Minions. A few sprites are custom edits made by me in order to fill in some of the blanks that the source material leaves behind.
For those of you who feel Yoshi's ability to lick up other players is a bit too disruptive, as it can be in Competitive gametypes, you can use the command yoshigrief to toggle it on and off.
V1.4 Cool and epic update mostly for BattleMod stuff.
- Yoshi's Egg Lay Battle Mod ability has been updated to work with the newest version of Battle Mod. You now also can't move for a short while after performing it.
- You can now jump in midair after being spat out by a Yoshi. This can help you get more distance or save yourself from somebody else throwing you into a pit. Careful in BattleMod though, as you'll still be open to attack when jumping, even when playing as a spin jump character!
- Eggs now properly destroy larger breakable walls.
- Super Yoshi's color has been changed to Super Mystic Sonic's Base Sonic color.
- Joshi, known to many as Tax Fraud, is now dead. May his puffed-up cheeks remain in our hearts.
Fixed variable conflict with X Sonic that made his wall Spindash not function properly. That's it. Only one line of code was deleted and that's all that was changed. Whoopie.
Less than 24 hours later, and we already have another update. This is why I shouldn't be staying up past 2 am working on updates.
- Fixed a warning that would sometimes display when an object in Yoshi's mouth is detached from him prematurely.
- Made it so non-player objects properly fall out of Yoshi's mouth when he dies.
- Technically this was added in the last update as a side effect of one of the changes I made in said update, but Yoshi can no longer hurt other players in co-op by spitting enemies at them.
Guess who's back again!
- Optimized Yoshi's aiming code to prevent massive lag from occurring whenever he has something in his mouth. Really don't know how I didn't notice this one before I released v1.3.
- Yoshi no longer attempts to aim at what he has in his mouth.
- Fixed the game crashing whenever Yoshi tries to lick up a player currently in the middle of a homing attack.
- Made Yoshi turn red instead of white when collecting a Fire Flower.
- The Life HUD icon is now less shiny to match better with Yoshi's other sprites.
Screw it, we're jumping to the next major version.
- Spitting range has been increased, and now you can lock onto monitors. You can also now aim your spits upwards using the camera. Try using this to spit your friends to new heights!
- Friendly players can now be used as projectiles when you spit them. Defeat your enemies with the real super power of teamwork!
- You can now lick up your teammates again in competitive gametypes. This allows you to take advantage of the previously mentioned addition in Battle Mod. However, this does not apply to when they are currently carrying the flag.
- If you have a bot following you, such as when using botskin, you can turn them into an egg, murdering them in cold blood. If you wanna be terrible to your friends in this manner as well, yoshieggify is your go-to.
- Yoshi's tongue will now simply damage enemies with more than one health point, rather than licking them up instantly.
- Yoshi's tongue will no longer have infinite vertical range against monitors and enemies it damages.
- Yoshi's super color has been changed from Sky to Blue. This was done to more accurately reflect the source material. I really do wonder why SRB2 doesn't have a Blue super color by default though...
- Courtesy of Pyrakid Wolfo, thrown eggs will now burst into egg shell pieces when they hit their target! No longer will you have to ponder why the eggs suddenly turned into spike parts.
- Auto-aiming, such as when you spit out an enemy, or prepare to throw an egg, can now be disabled with yoshiautoaim.
- In local games, yoshicoin can be used to turn every ring into a coin. Why not.
- Yoshi's Battle Mod shield stacking count has been set to zero for balancing purposes. (ever notice that I kept calling it Battle Mode for whatever reason?)
Well, that didn't last long. Anyways, now you can properly block Yoshi's eggs in Battle Mode again.
...what, were you expecting something more?
Here we go again. Hopefully this will be the actual final update for a long time. Also doing the change log in a different format because why not.
- Ground Pound Hitbox lasts longer
- Ground Pound ends faster if you manage to touch the ground before the startup ends, such as with a vertically moving plaform
- Ground Pound can now be started during Flutter Jump cool-down periods
- You can no longer target teammates in Battle Mode
- You can no longer target monitors in non-platforming gametypes
- You can now throw eggs slightly sooner after getting hit by another player
- Enemies that would exhibit weird behaviors when gobbled up, such as Pyre Flies and Spinboberts, are now fixed
- Pterabytes, Dragonbombers, and Buggles can now be gobbled up
V1.2.3 Hotfix
Welp, looks like I did an oopsie. Fang's popgun should no longer be able to be blocked by attacks when Yoshi is currently loaded. Yoshi's own custom jump sound effects will now no longer layer over Mario Mode's own jump sound effect.

This update is primarily to fix how broken Yoshi was in Battle Mode. There are a couple other changes as well.
Battle Mode Nerf: Yoshi is no longer a complete cheater in Battle Mode. Yoshi's tongue and thrown eggs can now be completely blocked by an opposing player if they are attacking. There also is now a delay before you can throw eggs again after getting hit. Yoshi's Boots of Steel ability will no longer apply to player attacks. These changes make it so that other players can actually defend themselves against Yoshi, and makes it so that playing as him requires more strategy.
Ground Pound Changes: The ground pound has been revamped slightly. The shockwave will now not hit anything in the air. It also visually depicts its range more accurately. It can also now destroy monitors and spikes. A tiny non-damaging shockwave will now display when hitting a spring and getting a boost from it. Ground pounding in flipped gravity will no longer cause desyncs. What was I thinking when I programmed it the way I did!?

Tongue Changes: Yoshi's tongue will now not destroy ring monitors of the opposing team in CTF. You also will no longer be able to lick up players that are on the same team as you. The mashing needed to escape from Yoshi's mouth has been halfed again because apparently it wasn't enough last time.
Mario Invincibility Music: The Mario Mode invincibility music will now always play when obtaining invincibility as Yoshi. Why not.
Other Unimportant Stuff: There's not much to say for this one. Pretty self-explanatory. Well, there is a new easter egg now, but that doesn't matter.
A bit of a smaller update this time to add fixes that probably should have been in the previous version.

Flutter Jump Slight Buff: The initial Flutter Jump will now go slightly higher, around the same height it did before 1.2. All other nerfs will still apply though.
Wall Clipping Fix: I had tried to fix this last patch, but apparently it didn't actually work. Anyways, you should now not be able to spit players through walls or into the level boundaries to kill them.
Doubled Tongue Cooldown: What it says on the tin. Doubled the amount of time you have to wait to lick up the same object or player again after spitting them from one second to two.
Mashing Halfed: Also self-explanatory, halfed the amount of inputs you need to escape from Yoshi's mouth.
Tongue Monitor Breaking: You can now break monitors with Yoshi's tongue. Makes it so you don't have to slow down to jump on them, and alleviates disappointment from not being able to lick them up.
CSS Art Fix: Adding other custom characters will now no longer turn Yoshi's CSS art into the last character added.
This version adds proper Battle Mode support, along with many fixes and tweaks to make playing as Yoshi a better experience.

Battle Mode Support: As just stated, Yoshi now has been tailored to work in Battle Mode! Spend 10 rings to lay an egg out of the blue. This allows you to take advantage of Yoshi's egg throwing alot more than you would normally. Of course, because this ability now exists, Yoshi will no longer get an egg from Ring Monitors in this mode. Other changes have been made to make Battle Mode more fair. The bug that let you hurt players while they're in your mouth has been fixed. Players no longer receive hit invulnerability when spit out by Yoshi, and instead simply can't be licked up again for one second.
3D Tongue: Yoshi's tongue is no longer a lame paper sprite that clips through his head, and is now complete pseudo-3D! Now it's much easier to actually tell where you're licking. In addition, the tongue's speed has been increased by 150%! This makes Yoshi's whole egg laying process alot less sluggish and tedious.
Flutter Jump Nerf: You hate to see it happen, but the flutter jump has been nerfed. It goes slightly lower, loses more height over time, and your horizontal speed starts to decrease after the first flutter jump. However, doing just one flutter jump won't result in any speed loss, so keep this in mind when going for the fastest time!
Egg HUD: The eggs you have will now display right above your life counter! Great for when you're in first person or simply can't get a good look at the eggs following you.
Boss Balancing: CEZ3 and BCZ2's bosses have been slightly adjusted to make them easier with Yoshi. In CEZ3, you are now able to eat the Eggrobo audience members, which will supply you with eggs to hit the boss with. Metal Sonic in his boss fight will now dodge out of the way if you try to gobble him up with Yoshi's tongue, which lets you more easily attack him.
Custom CSS Nametag: I just found out you could actually make a custom logo for your character on the character select screen, so I just had to add this.
Egg Spike Breaking: Now in addition to walls, thrown eggs can now break through spikes. This was to allow Amy's path in DSZ2 to be beaten without issue.
Code Optimization: Code has been optimized in certain areas to reduce lag that would be caused by Yoshi's long scripts. Hopefully this will result in a better experience for those of you with not so powerful computers.
Miscellaneous Bugfixes and Tweaks: I've also made some more changes than these, but either they're too insignificant, or I forgot about them already.
Yep that's right, in less than 24 hours I've already made v1.1 a thing. Here's what's added in this update:
-yoshijumpCommand: Change Yoshi's jump sound from the original Yoshi's Island sfx, to Super Mario World's jump sound, or Yoshi Island DS's voice clips.
-yoshithrow Command: The Hasty egg throwing style from the Yoshi games has been added with this command! Simply release custom 1 to throw your eggs rather than having to press the button again.
-Spit Aiming: Yoshi will now auto-target the nearest enemy when spitting out enemies, just like Fang's popgun.
-Egg Wall Breaking: Yoshi's eggs can now break any walls! Use this new feature to access paths you couldn't before.
-Bugfixes: Yoshi will no longer be stuck at an odd angle when getting hit while starting a ground pound. Egg count will also now properly reset when entering a boss level with more than one egg. Spitting enemies will now direct them to where Yoshi is facing instead of where the camera is facing.
-Beeg Yoshi: beeg yoshi

Supporters / CoAuthors
(Redirected from Yoshis island 2)
Yoshi's Island DS
Director(s)Hidetoshi Takeshita
Producer(s)Toyokazu Nonaka
Artist(s)Yasuhisa Nakagawa
Writer(s)Soshi Kawasaki
Composer(s)Yutaka Minobe
Masayoshi Ishi
Platform(s)Nintendo DS
  • JP: March 8, 2007

Aug 12, 2008 Sprites unused in the final SNES game. Credits to Mushroom Kingdom.net The tree is pretty cool. Tip: You can use the SMW Customizer to edit tons of misc. Features in SMW, including the speed of Bullet Bills, how many points a 3-UP moon gives you, and more!: Not logged in.

Yoshi's island cat meme. Yoshi's Island DS, later released in Japan as Yoshi Island DS (ヨッシー アイランド DS, Yosshī Airando Dī Esu), is a platformingvideo game developed by Artoon for the Nintendo DS. Published by Nintendo, it was released in North America and Australasia in November 2006, in Europe in December 2006, and in Japan in March 2007.[1] It is the sequel to the 1995 SNES game, Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island. Announced at Nintendo's E3 press conference in May 2006,[2] the game was well received by critics, scoring an average of 81% on Metacritic's aggregate.[3] The game was originally to be titled Yoshi's Island 2, though its name was changed one month before its North American release. On April 1, 2015, the game was made available for the Wii U via the Virtual Console service shortly after a Nintendo Direct presentation.[4]

The game's story focuses on the Yoshi clan as they attempt to rescue newborn children who have been kidnapped by Kamek.[5]Yoshi's Island DS uses the same updated graphical style as Yoshi Touch & Go but retains the same core gameplay as its Super Nintendo Entertainment System predecessor;[2] but whereas the SNES game featured only Baby Mario and Baby Luigi, DS introduces Baby Peach, Baby Donkey Kong, and Baby Wario, while allowing the player to control Baby Bowser. Each baby bestows a different ability upon Yoshi.[5] The objective of the game is to use these abilities to progress through various themed worlds. An interquel, Yoshi's New Island, was released for the Nintendo 3DS in March 2014.


A screenshot showing Yoshi's Island DS's distinctive graphical style. The Nintendo DS's two screens function as one tall screen. Production countries: * Moldova * Italy * Romania * Portugal

Yoshi's Island DS's gameplay is the same as the previous game, with some additions. Just like in Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island the player guides various colored Yoshis through side scrolling stages.[6] Yoshi can jump and hover (flutter jump) for a short time, eat enemies and turn them into eggs (which can be used for things like hitting switches and defeating distant enemies) and pound the ground (to smash crates, for example).[5] Some stages offer Yoshi the ability to morph into vehicles for a short time.[6] Like the original Yoshi's Island, the DS game differs from many platforming series in that Yoshi does not have a life bar; when Yoshi is hit, the baby he is carrying falls off his back and Yoshi must retrieve him or her before a timer expires (unless Yoshi falls on something that torments him instantly, such as a lava pit or a spike field).[5]

What makes Yoshi's Island DS different is the addition of five babies for Yoshi to carry, each bestowing a different ability — Baby Mario allows Yoshi to dash and makes special 'M' blocks appear, and can grab Super Stars to become Super Baby Mario, and grants ricocheting eggs; Baby Peach allows Yoshi to float and fly on wind currents and grants a more forgiving timing to use Yoshi's flutter jumping abilities effectively; Baby Donkey Kong can grab and swing on vines and ropes, grants a special dash attack, allows Yoshi's eggs to explode as per Yoshi's Story (but they do so on impact) and allows Yoshi to push objects faster; Baby Wario uses his magnet to attract metal objects and allows Yoshi's eggs to bounce; and Baby Bowser spits fireballs, but the Yoshi carrying him cannot make eggs, though the eggs Yoshi already carries can bounce. The last three babies slow down Yoshi's movement and make the timing for his flutter jumping less forgiving.[5][7] The need to switch babies at key points adds a puzzle element to the game.[7]

The Nintendo DS's two screens act as one tall screen;[6] however, in practice, this essentially just gives the player a better view of the surroundings and, save for one boss battle, (Hector the Reflector, where the bottom screen acts as a mirror through which to see Hector during the battle) only provides the benefit of being able to see more (above) and, when the player is on the top screen, below.[5] The game does not make use of the bottom screen's touch sensitivity for basic gameplay, though it is an option for selecting levels and in some mini-games.[5] Each of DS's five worlds has two bosses, each with a weakness that must be identified and exploited. Most of the time, these are simply giant-sized versions of normal enemies, though some are more inventive.[7]Yoshi's island 4-8 boss.

Flowers and coins, as well as stars, are scattered around the game's stages. These are totaled at the end of each stage and a score is given depending how many of each were collected[5] (a maximum of 30 stars, 20 red coins and 5 flowers). Sufficiently high scores are required to unlock one of the two sets of secret levels[5] (the other set being unlocked upon completing the game, similar to the GBA remake of the original game). Special character coins are also introduced. Missing from the game are the power-ups of sorts — like the ability to spit seeds by eating watermelons — which were present in the original.[7] The fire breathing ability is retained though: Yoshi can use it when he snags a torch or fireball with his tongue. This allows him to shoot streams of fire up to three times. Keys found in the stages unlock mini-games and doors that would be closed otherwise.[5][6]


As in Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island, Baby Mario and the Yoshi clan must rescue Baby Luigi, who was snatched by Bowser's minion, Kamek, who also wants to kidnap every baby around the world. However, this time the Yoshis have the combined assistance of both Baby Peach and Baby Donkey Kong, as well as the stork, who escaped Kamek's botched capture. They later join with Baby Wario and Baby Bowser, who offer their specialized abilities so that the group may proceed.[5] However, Baby Wario's lust for treasure leads him to abandon the group, while Baby Bowser is captured by Kamek (who is actually the future Kamek that appears throughout the forts and castles), and later kicked out by the Adult Bowser, who came from the future, because of his baby counterpart insulting him. Baby Bowser then joins the group until he notices Kamek is after him, leaving Yoshi and the other babies to continue their journey.

Much later in the game, Kamek's sinister plan for kidnapping the babies around the world is revealed. He and Bowser traveled back in time in search of the 'star children' - seven babies whose hearts possess unimaginable power necessary for him to conquer the universe. Despite kidnapping all of the babies, they could not find a single star child. Yoshi's group later arrives at Bowser's castle and find Baby Wario and Baby Bowser, arguing over the treasure from Bowser's castle. They later join the group and as they arrive at the final room, Baby Bowser betrays them, claiming that Yoshi and the other babies wanted Bowser's treasure in his castle. Yoshi easily defeats him and Kamek arrives, along with Bowser, angered at what Yoshi did to his infant self.

Despite this, the babies and Yoshis prevail in both defeating Bowser, and forcing Kamek and Bowser to retreat to their present time. Yoshi and the babies then retrieve Baby Luigi and the other babies. Bowser's castle then self-destructs, but Yoshi and the other babies (with the help of the other storks carrying all of the babies) escape unharmed. The storks continue to bring all the babies back to their respective homes.

In a post-credits scene, six of the star children are revealed to be Baby Mario, Baby Luigi, Baby Peach, Baby Donkey Kong, Baby Wario and Baby Bowser. Immediately thereafter, the seventh and final star child is revealed to be a newly hatched Baby Yoshi, who is also strongly implied to be the very same Yoshi that the grown up Mario Bros. would go on to rescue and ally with in Super Mario World and subsequent Mario games.


Yoshi's Island DS was announced at E3 2006 under the name Yoshi's Island 2,[2] originally featuring only baby versions of Mario, Peach, Donkey Kong and Wario.[2] The developer, Artoon, has made one other Yoshi game — Yoshi's Universal Gravitation — for the Game Boy Advance. Universal Gravitation veered away from the 'Nintendo' design; but for DS, Artoon stuck close to the original concept.[7]

The game retains the classic pastel/crayon visuals from its predecessor.[6] Small changes are noticeable: water animation has been improved, the black outlines around objects are not as thick, and the backgrounds are less cluttered.[5] However, the visuals are still tightly centered on those of its predecessor.[7]


Aggregate scores
Review scores
Game Informer8.25/10[9]
Nintendo World Report8.5/10[12]

Yoshi's Island DS received positive reviews, being given high scores by some of the most prominent video game critics. These include gaming websites IGN and GameSpot, who gave it 8/10 and 9.1/10 respectively.[5][7] GameSpot's review commented that the developers have 'produced a sequel that seems fresh and new while remaining every bit as awesome as the original.'[5] Multimedia website IGN called it 'a solid recreation of the Yoshi's Island elements in a two-screen-high format,'[7] and GamePro in their review said that 'it's fun and light-hearted play.'[6] Reviewers were particularly pleased with how the core gameplay elements are the same as in the previous game. GamePro hails it as having 'the classical 2D side-scrolling action and colorful pastel artwork that brought Nintendo to prominence,'[6] while IGN — although impressed with the game in general — wonders whether or not the developers 'stuck too close to the established design in this new game,' because having played the previous game 'ruins a lot of the surprises.'[7] Other critics regard this as the best portable Yoshi's game, with the exception of the Super Mario Advance remake of the original Yoshi's Island because, in their context, '(Yoshi) Topsy-Turvy was not there and (Yoshi) Touch & Go was incomplete.'

One problem critics identified is the blind spot created by the gap between the Nintendo DS's two screens. IGN accepts that this blind spot is necessary for aiming eggs properly but still describe it as 'bothersome.'[7]GameSpy's reviewer calls it 'a pain' and expresses frustration at being hit by an enemy hiding in this gap.[10] On the whole, reviewers were pleased with the way the extra babies have been implemented,[5] but IGN felt that Baby Wario was 'a last minute addition that wasn't tested properly.'[7] They call his magnet 'wonky,' and says it 'misses items that are right next to him.'[7]

Yoshi's Island DS was given GameSpot's 'Editor's Choice' rating,[5] and reached the final round for 'Best Nintendo DS game.'[13] The game sold more than 300,000 copies in its first week of release in Japan.[14] As of March 31, 2008, Yoshi's Island DS has sold 2.91 million copies worldwide.[15]

Yoshi's Island Flash


  1. ^'Yoshi's Island DS'. GameSpot. Archived from the original on September 30, 2007. Retrieved 2007-08-14.
  2. ^ abcdHarris, Craig (2006-05-09). 'Return to Yoshi's Island'. IGN. Retrieved 2006-11-25.
  3. ^ ab'Yoshi's Island DS Reviews'. Metacritic. CBS Interactive. Retrieved September 1, 2013.
  4. ^'Nintendo - Yoshi's Island DS'. 2015-04-01. Retrieved 2015-04-01.
  5. ^ abcdefghijklmnopqProvo, Frank (2006-11-14). 'Yoshi's Island DS Review'. GameSpot. Archived from the original on September 7, 2013. Retrieved September 2, 2013.
  6. ^ abcdefgh'Review: Yoshi's Island DS'. GamePro. 2006-11-14. Archived from the original on 2007-02-24. Retrieved 2006-11-25.
  7. ^ abcdefghijklmHarris, Craig (2006-11-13). 'Yoshi's Island DS Review'. IGN. Retrieved September 2, 2013.
  8. ^'Yoshi's Island DS'. GameRankings. CBS Interactive. Retrieved September 1, 2013.
  9. ^McNamara, Andy (December 1, 2006). 'Baby's Got Back'. Game Informer. GameStop Corporation. Archived from the original on November 21, 2008.
  10. ^ abTheoBald, Phil (2006-11-14). 'Yoshi's Island DS Review'. GameSpy. Retrieved September 2, 2013.
  11. ^East, Tom (January 9, 2008). 'More of the Same, but We're Not Complaining'. Official Nintendo Magazine. Future Publishing. Archived from the original on October 27, 2014. Retrieved September 2, 2013.
  12. ^'Yoshi's Island DS review'. Nintendo World Report. Retrieved November 26, 2006.
  13. ^'Best Nintendo DS game'. GameSpot. 2006. Archived from the original on September 30, 2007. Retrieved 2007-01-10.
  14. ^'Charts: Latest Japanese Software & Hardware Sales'. N-Europe. 2007-03-19. Archived from the original on 2007-09-27. Retrieved 2007-03-19.
  15. ^'Financial Results Briefing for the Fiscal Year Ended March 2008: Supplementary Information'(PDF). Nintendo. 2008-04-25. p. 6. Retrieved 2008-08-03.

Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island: The Game Is The Sequel To This Game, And Also Takes Place On The Same Titular Island, And Most Of The Enemy Sprites Are From This Game, Albeit With Updated Shad...

External links[edit]

Yoshi Smw Sprite


  • Official website(in Japanese)
  • Yoshi's Island DS at IGN

Yoshi Island Sprites Spriters Resource

Yoshi's Island Ds Sprites

Retrieved from 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Yoshi%27s_Island_DS&oldid=944558001'