Wii Ticket Code

Make sure you follow all the steps listed below. Our servers will check if all steps are completed! STEP ONE: Share this page on any of these websites: STEP TWO: Post the message below on 2 different places that are related to gaming or Nintendo Wii. Don't post the same message twice in the same spot. One post per site maximum! Jan 22, 2012 The listing, Nintendo Download Ticket Code For Wii or 3DS has ended. These Games are available for this bidding: ( Select only one ) Dr. Mario Online RX Wii Kirby's Dreamland Nintendo 3DS Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask Wii Dr. Mario Express Nintendo 3DS Anything you want For FREE I will sent to you the download ticket via listia message.

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Wii Download Ticket Code List

Tickets are found in many encrypted files used by the Wii (e.g. WAD Files or Wii Discs). Tickets for NAND titles are stored in /ticket, while tickets for discs are stored on the disc itself. Tickets contain the encrypted AES 'title key' and the Title ID of the data and are signed by a certificate from a certificate chain (which usually is the same for all titles and stored somewhere on the NAND). So far only tickets with RSA-2048 signatures have been seen. Discs will only work with those signatures because the size of partition ticket is always 0x2a4.

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While all Wii titles are available on NUS, most are encrypted with a key found in the ticket; this key is what is purchased with the Wii Shop Channel. Deleting a title using the data management feature of the System Menu leaves the ticket intact; this is responsible for allowing software to be redownloaded. However, tools such as AnyTitle Deleter delete tickets when they delete titles, which removes all traces of the title.

File structure

0x0000x0030x004Signature type (always 0x10001 for RSA-2048)
0x0040x1030x100Signature of ticket view by a certificate's key
0x1040x2A30x19FTicket view

Ticket view

0x0000x03B0x03CPadding (Always 0 - everything after this field is covered by the above signature)
0x03C0x07B0x040Signature issuer
0x07B0x0B70x03CECDH data, used to generate one-time key during install of console specific titles
0x0BA0x0CA0x010Title Key, encrypted by Common Key
0x0CA0x0D20x008ticket_id (used as IV for title key decryption of console specific titles)
0x0D20x0D60x004Console ID
0x0D60x0DE0x008Title ID / Initialization Vector (IV) used for AES-CBC encryption
0x0DE0x0E00x002Unknown, mostly 0xFFFF
0x0E00x0E20x002Ticket title version
0x0E20x0E40x002Permitted Titles Mask
0x0E40x0E80x004Permit mask. The current disc title is ANDed with the inverse of this mask to see if the result matches the Permitted Titles Mask.
0x0E80x0E90x001Title Export allowed using PRNG key (1 = allowed, 0 = not allowed)
0x0E90x0EA0x001Common Key index (2 = Wii U Wii mode, 1 = Korean Common key, 0 = 'normal' Common key)
0x0EB0x11B0x030Unknown. Is all 0 for non-VC, for VC, all 0 except last byte is 1.
0x11B0x15B0x040Content access permissions (one bit for each content)
0x15B0x15D0x002Padding (Always 0)
0x15D0x1610x004Enable time limit (1 = Enabled, 0 = Disabled)
0x1610x1650x004Time limit (Seconds)
0x1650x19D0x0387 more time_limit structs as above ({int enable, seconds})

To get the title key decrypt the 16 bytes at offset 0x1bf with the Common Key using the Title ID (offset 0x1dc) as the initialization vector (the last 8 bytes of the IV should be zero).

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