Boeing 737 Cbt

Why not accelerate your airline career with a self sponsored Boeing 737 Type Rating.
As air travel gets back to normal after the covid 19 virus, airlines will be needing type rated pilots so why not get
ahead now and make yourself employable.
The airlines demand a high standard of training and thats where Jet Flight Training (JFT) can help you. It is important to understand that not all type rating courses are same because each ATO writes their own syllabus!

Oct 30, 2011 CBT or Computer Based Training is our self-paced method of learning the technical side of the Boeing 737 Type Rating. There are a total of 50 subjects to be reviewed as part of the CBT. They are grouped into main topics, these include: - Air Systems (Bleed air, pressurisation, air conditioning), - Airplane General, - Anti-ice equipment. Age of empires 2 definitive edition bulgarians. BOEING 737-300/900 TYPE RATING COURSE. BOEING 737 – 300/900 Type Rating course. Boeing 737 Classic. This Interactive Course is designed as a Systems Knowledge CBT for both Initial and Recurrent Training for B737-CL including 300/400/500 models. It is available with Non-EFIS/MAP (Round Dail) or EFIS/MAP and 300/500 to 400 air system differences. This CBT provides complete systems training by use of text, audio, graphic.

Why are we different ?
Our 12 day ground-school course is totally instructor led so you will get a better understanding of all the aircraft systems and detailed performance and flight planning.
We now offer 52 hours of Full Flight Simulator Training.
More exposure to the aircraft will pay dividends when you attend an airline simulator assessment.
We only train during sociable hours. We do not believe that training throughout the night is conducive to learning.

Course Content:- Type Rating conducted on Boeing 737 800W

Ground-school Phase - 136 Hours

- Interactive Computer Based Training (CBT). PC or iPad options.
- Option to self study at home prior to joining our course.
- 12 days of Instructor led theoretical training and examinations.
- Performance, Flight Planning, Mass & Balance.
- Extensive SOP, FMC programming & FMS training.
- Use of Normal and Non Normal Checklists
- Management of Abnormal and Emergency situations.


Age of empires 2 mac version. Simulator Training Phase - 52 Hours Including Licence Skills Test
- 52 hours of Full flight simulator training, Level D - 6 axis moog motion system.
- LST (Licence Skill Test).

Aircraft Base Training

- 6 Take-off and Landings.
- We have a B737 700 or 300 available as required.
- Training arranged within 1 month of LST.

Course Duration
Allow 6 weeks. Accommodation is available at low cost.

Boeing 737 Type Rating Entry Requirements
- Valid Commercial Pilot License
- Hold or have held a Multi Engine Instrument rating (ME/IR)
- 70 hours Pilot In Command.
- Class 1 medical.
- Have passed the ATPL(A) theoretical knowledge examinations
- Have completed an MCC course. (Not required for MCC Integrated Type Rating)

Boeing 737 Crash

Integrated MCC Course
The MCC course can be integrated into any of of Type Rating courses. The course consists of three days of ground school and 4 hours additional fixed base simulator training.

Boeing 737 Cbt Youtube

Additional Information
5 Pre simulator OTD (Other Training Device) and FMS (Flight Management System) are conducted.
Our Ground-school course is conducted by experienced TRI's who will guide you through all aspects of the course.

Boeing 737-800 Cbt

Next Course Date:-
Venue - Jet Flight Training, Burgess Hill, United Kingdom
Our course dates are shown above, we can arrange additional courses on request.
Pilots are welcome to come and visit our training facility.

Boeing 737 seating chart

Airbus A320

Want more Details ?
For Type Rating enquiries please contact us on +44 333 800 3777 or send us an email.