Best Ide For React

Best Ide For React


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  1. good understanding of React
  2. familiarity with TypeScript Types (2ality's guide is helpful. If you’re an absolute beginner in TypeScript, check out chibicode’s tutorial.)
  3. having read the TypeScript section in the official React docs.
  4. having read the React section of the new TypeScript playground (optional: also step through the 40+ examples under the playground's Examples section)

This guide will always assume you are starting with the latest TypeScript version. Notes for older versions will be in expandable <details> tags.

VS Code Extensions#

  • refactoring help
  • R+TS Code Snippets (there are a few...)
  • TypeScript official extension

React + TypeScript Starter Kits#

Cloud setups:

  • TypeScript Playground with React just if you are debugging types (and reporting issues), not for running code
  • CodeSandbox - cloud IDE, boots up super fast
  • Stackblitz - cloud IDE, boots up super fast

Local dev setups:

  • Next.js: npx create-next-app -e with-typescript will create in your current folder
  • Create React App: npx create-react-app name-of-app --template typescript will create in new folder
  • Meteor: meteor create --typescript name-of-my-new-typescript-app
  • Ignite for React Native: ignite new myapp
  • TSDX: npx tsdx create mylib for Creating React+TS libraries. (in future: TurboRepo)
Other toolsBest

Less mature tools still worth checking out:

  • Vite: npm init vite-app my-react-project --template react-ts (note - not yet v1.0, but very fast)
  • Snowpack: npx create-snowpack-app my-app --template app-template-react-typescript
  • Docusaurus v2 with TypeScript Support
  • JP Morgan's modular: CRA + TS + Yarn Workspaces toolkit. yarn create modular-react-app <project-name>

Manual setup:

  • Basarat's guide for manual setup of React + TypeScript + Webpack + Babel
  • In particular, make sure that you have @types/react and @types/react-dom installed (Read more about the DefinitelyTyped project if you are unfamiliar)
  • There are also many React + TypeScript boilerplates, please see our Other Resources list.

Import React#


This is the most futureproof way to import React. If you set --allowSyntheticDefaultImports (or add 'allowSyntheticDefaultImports': true) in your tsconfig.json you can use more familiar imports:


Why allowSyntheticDefaultImports over esModuleInterop? Daniel Rosenwasser has said that it's better for webpack/parcel. For more discussion check out

Best Ide For React

You should also check the new TypeScript docs for official descriptions between each compiler flag!

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Video Tutorial#

Best Ide For React Reddit

Have a look at the 7-part 'React Typescript Course' video series below for an introduction to TypeScript with React.